Transistor review
Transistor is a game made by Super Giant Games. it is a single player, action RPG hack and slash with a turn-based mechanic within it.
As said it is a single player game which is focused on delivering a rich story, immersing the player in this world that has been created. As it is RPG hack and slash it has ability’s that the player can use and can level up through combat as you find with most RPG’s, but the abilities are slow and heavy. But the play has an ability called ‘Turn()’ which is where the turn-based element comes in, when this ability is activated they enter the planning stage, there they can move around, use abilities on their enemies and get information like where the enemies will be after the turn and how much damage they will take. However, they can only do some much in 1 turn which is represented by a bar at the top of the screen. Once the player is done planning the character quickly moves around executing the plan. While this is happening the world around the player moves in slow motion until the turn is finished, then everything returns too normal and the player must wait a few seconds to be able to use ‘Turn()’ again. This mechanic adds a level of complicity to the game, as you will be faced by challenging new enemies and situations where you will use your Turn() ability, plan out what you want to do and see how effective it as, as the damage you do can be seen while in the turn. And before committing to the plan you can then undo it all and see if you can do a better job with a different strategy. This trial and error really pushes the player to make the most of each turn, but the turns never take the player out of the action, always keeping it exciting.
The combat never becomes stale, as when you level up you gain access to new abilities, which keeps the combat new and exciting. As well as that the new enemies are introduced through-out the game, and old enemy’s receive new abilities to keep them comparative with the play. One negative thing that could be taken from it is that sometimes when receiving new abilities constantly, your having to learn how to use them properly and ones you done you have to move onto the next one, unable to play with your preferred abilities.
The visual style for the game adds so much to the experience of the game as well. It has a very realist cartoony look to it all, with everything in the artistic style of watercolour. And with these watercolours it adds to the characteristics and the relaxing feel of the city. The games lighting style also fits not only the world but the watercolour art style. The lighting has a mix of very dim lit areas and smooth warm lighting. Giving the city a warm summer’s night feeling, and as said before with the art style, the lighting also has a very relaxing approach to it.
As it is a story rich single player game the goal is to go through the narrative and piece together the mystery of what happened to Cloudbank (the city you are in) and too Red the protagonist. Red (the main character) starts of standing over a body with a sword like thing stabbed into the body, the sword like thing talks and says ‘We’re not going to get away with this are we?’ and then promptly tells her to pull him (the sword like thing) out of the body, and then two start to make their way out of the area, leaving the player to wonder what is going on. This is well done as it almost instantly hoods the player.
Transistor has a powerful story and beautiful visuals. The way the story is delivered hooks the player in the shroud of mystery and amerces them. The combat for the game is brilliant, it’s exiting but it also requires planning, adding a level of complexity to it. And the combat doesn’t get old as you receive new abilities to keep things fresh through-out the game.
Overall I believe this game should be considered ‘Good’, it will leave you amazed and pleasantly satisfied.